Florida Patient’s Bill of Rights and Responsibilities Poster


The Patient’s Bill of Rights and Responsibilities must be posted in clearly viewed areas of Florida health care facilities.


8.5″ x 11″ – Poly Vinyl both sides.

SKU: 09203

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The Patient’s Bill of Rights and Responsibilities poster provides a list of rights and responsibilities for patients receiving medical care in Florida health care facilities.

Patients have the right to know what their rights and responsibilities are when receiving health care. Patients also have the responsibility to respect the health care provider’s and heath care facility’s right to expect behavior on the part of patients which, considering the nature of their illness, is reasonable and responsible.

Posting Requirement

Any health care provider who treats a patient in an office or any health care facility that provides emergency services and care or outpatient services and care to a patient, or admits and treats a patient, shall adopt and make available to the patient, in writing, a statement of the rights and responsibilities of patients. (Florida Statutes, Sec. 381.026(6))
