Maine Social Media Law Poster


Post the informational Maine Social Media Law Poster in the workplace to remind employees and job applicants of their rights to social media privacy under state law.


8.5″ x 11″ – Poly Vinyl both sides.

SKU: 19701

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The Maine Social Media Law Poster describes employee rights under Maine’s Employee Social Media Privacy Law (Title 26, §615-619). The law went into effect in October of 2015.

Under the law, employers cannot require or request that an employee or applicant disclose the password of a private social media account or any personal social media account information, or require the employee or applicant to access a social media account in the employer’s presence or change the settings on the social media account. An employer may not terminate or otherwise discipline an employee for refusing the employer’s request to access their personal social media information.

These prohibitions do not apply to publicly accessible social media information, or to social media accounts provided by an employer or intended to be used primarily on behalf of the employer. They do not apply when disclosure of social media information is reasonably believed to be relevant to an investigation of employee misconduct.

The Maine Social Media Law Poster also provides information on fines which may be assessed for violations of the law, as well as contact information for the Maine Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Standards.

Posting Requirement

The Maine Social Media Law Poster is not a required posting. Employers can display this poster in the workplace to inform workers and job applicants of their rights under state law. The law applies to all employers and employees in the state, including the State and political subdivisions.
