New York CPR Notice to Patrons Poster


This New York CPR Notice to Patrons of Restaurants, Bars, Theaters and Health Clubs meets the required notice regarding the availability of CPR equipment on the premises.

11″ x 8.5″ – Poly Vinyl both sides.

SKU: 32702

The law requires additional posters for your industry

Pick your industry to be in complete compliance with all state and federal labor laws for your state and industry.

The New York State law requires the availability of CPR masks and gloves to protect rescuers. The NYS Department of Health developed regulations in response to this law. These regulations require the operators of certain public places to have CPR equipment accessible area to ensure that patrons and/or staff can access it for use and bring it to the victim within 3 minutes of onset of an incident as follows:

• Two FDA-approved adult exhaled air resuscitation masks
• Two FDA-approved pediatric (child) exhaled air resuscitation masks
• Four pairs of disposable gloves
• Specific Regulation Information Label on the equipment

The law pertains to certain public places, defined as restaurants, bars, theaters and health clubs.

Posting Requirements

Patrons must be notified that resuscitation equipment is available, where it is kept, and how to receive CPR training. The notice must be clear and conspicuous to all patrons when entering the facility or shortly after being seated, and before patrons incur a charge. The CPR Notice to Patrons of Restaurants, Bars, Theaters and Health Clubs meets the required notice regarding the availability of CPR equipment on the premises.
