What is the Menlo Park, CA Minimum Wage Ordinance?
The City’s Minimum Wage Ordinance requires all employers with employees who perform two or more hours of work per week within the city boundaries of Menlo Park, California to pay their employees no less than the effective minimum wage rate. The minimum wage rate is adjusted each January 1 based on the increase, if any, in the cost of living, not to exceed 3%. The increase is measured by the increase in Consumer Price Index.
What are the law’s notice and recordkeeping requirements?
Employers must post in a conspicuous place at any workplace or job site where any employee works the Menlo Park, CA Minimum Wage Poster each year to inform employees of the current minimum wage rate and of their rights under this chapter. Employers must post notices in any language spoken by at least five (5) percent of the employees at the workplace or job site. Employers must also provide each employee at the time of hire with the employer’s name, address and telephone number in writing. Employers must retain payroll records pertaining to employees for a period of four (4) years.
What are the law’s protections and penalties?
An employer may not discriminate in any manner or take adverse action against any person in retaliation for their exercising rights under the law. The City may enforce the law through administrative action or an employee may file suit against an employer for violation of their rights. Remedies include back wages unlawfully withheld plus interest, reinstatement, and payment of an additional sum as a civil penalty in the amount of $50.00 per employee per day.