Los Angeles County Contractor Living Wage Poster


Los Angeles County contractors and subcontractors awarded covered County Proposition A and/or cafeteria service contracts are required to post the effective LA County Contractor Living Wage Poster in the workplace.

18″ x 12″

SKU: 05610

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Who must post the Los Angeles County Contractor Living Wage Poster?

Private contractors and subcontractors providing services under a covered contract with the County of Los Angeles are required to post the Los Angeles County Contractor Living Wage Ordinance (LWO) Notice to Employees to inform employees working on covered contracts of the current living wage rate, retaliation and retention protections, the federal EITC tax credit, and information about complaints.

  • Posting: The LWO Notice to Employees Poster must be displayed in a conspicuous place at each contract work-site where contract employees can see it. The contractor is required to translate posters and handouts into Spanish and any other language spoken by a significant number of employees. The Los Angeles County Contractor Living Wage Poster is bilingual English/Spanish.
  • Distribution: In addition, LA County contractors must distribute to employees at contract startup, to new hires, and to existing employees annually thereafter, the LA County Contractor Living Wage Notice to Employees Information Sheet.  At the time of each distribution of the Information Sheet, LA County contractors are required to complete the Receipt Acknowledgement form signed by each of their employees and retain the acknowledgement form for a minimum of 7 years.

What contracts are covered?

The LWO is applicable to Los Angeles County Proposition A (Prop A) and cafeteria services contracts worth $25,000 or more in any 12-month period, and subcontracts. Prop A contracts are for services that could be performed by County employees but are more economically performed by contractors. The LWO does not apply to agreements between a contractor and a labor organization (i.e., union) or collective bargaining unit that expressly supersedes the LWO.

Payment of Living Wage

Covered contractors are required to pay employees a living wage rate no less than the hourly rate established pursuant to Los Angeles County Code Chapter 2.201.040. Each January 1, the living wage rate is adjusted for inflation measured by the annual increase in the Consumer Price Index. An employer is required to pay at least the current living wage rate to full- and part-time employees for hours worked on the County contract.
