Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Fraud Poster


Post the Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Fraud Poster in the workplace to deter fraud and encourage reporting of false workers’ compensation claims.


12″ x 18″ – Poly Vinyl both sides.

SKU: 04300

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Why post the Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Fraud Poster?

The Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Fraud Poster is an essential tool for any employer’s fraud prevention program. The poster provides examples of common forms of workers’ compensation fraud and describes the penalties for violating the law.

Workers’ compensation fraud hurts businesses and employees. High claim rates can cause workers’ compensation premiums to rise, forcing employers to slow hiring and cut back on employee benefits such as raises and health insurance benefits. Employees may believe that it’s okay to tell a “white lie” in regards to a workers’ compensation claim, but doing so can expose them to high penalties and even imprisonment.

Informing employees of prohibited conduct and the consequences of breaking the law can help deter fraud and encourage fraud reporting. The Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Fraud Poster is designed to help your employees become aware of common forms of Workers’ Compensation fraud and the consequences for making fraudulent  statements relating to a workers’ compensation claim.

Enforcement and penalties

In Arkansas, misrepresentation under the Workers’ Compensation law is a felony. The consequences for committing Workers’ Compensation fraud in Arkansas may include restitution, fines up to $10,000 and imprisonment for a term up to six years. An individual who provides false testimony can be prosecuted for perjury.

The Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Fraud Poster provides contact information for the Arkansas Department of Insurance, Criminal Investigation Division. Encourage your employees to get involved and report suspected instances of workers’ compensation fraud.
