Boulder, CO Minimum Wage Poster


Beginning on January 1, 2025, employers in Boulder, Colorado, must post the current Boulder Minimum Wage Poster in a prominent and accessible location of the workplace. Notice must be posted in English and Spanish.
Poster size is 18″ x 12″.

SKU: 06304

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Who must post the Boulder, CO Minimum Wage Poster?

  • Beginning on January 1, 2025, Boulder, CO, Ordinance 8664 establishes a local minimum wage for employers operating within the City of Boulder, Colorado. The Boulder Minimum Wage was adopted with the intention of raising the local minimum wage to an amount that aids working residents within the city to afford basic necessities.
  • The City of Boulder to post the City’s notice of the currently effective minimum wage rate in a place which is prominent and easily accessible to all employees.
  • Employers must display postings in English and Spanish.

What information does the Boulder, CO Minimum Wage Poster provide?

  • The Boulder Minimum Wage Poster reflects the scheduled minimum wage rate increases for the three years that the law is in operation. This covers the approved Boulder minimum wage rates for 2025, 2026, and 2027.
  • Beginning on January 1, 2028, and each year thereafter, the Boulder minimum wage shall increase by an amount corresponding to the prior year increase, if any in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers.
  • The Boulder Minimum Wage Poster also clearly informs workers that it is against the law for an employer to pay wages below the Boulder’s minimum wage rate, and encourages employees to report violations by filing a compliant with the City. Complaints can be filed by telephone or by email. Contact information for the City and the City’s website are provided.

How is the law enforced?

  • An employee who believes their rights have been violated under the Minimum Wage Law may file a complaint with the Colorado Department of Labor and Enforcement against their employer within two years of the violation.
  • An employer found in violation of the law is subject to civil fines and penalties, restitution of amounts due to an employee and any other court-ordered damages, and the suspension or revocation of the employer’s business license.
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