California Personal Rights Adult Residential Facilities


Required poster for California licensed Adult Residential Facilities

19″ x 26″

SKU: 05825

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Who must post the California Personal Rights Adult Residential Facilities Poster?

All licensees of Adult Residential Facilities (ARFs) licensed by the California Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD) must comply with law in the Community Care Facilities Act (Health and Safety Code Sections 1500 through 1567.87) and the regulations in Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations (Title 22, CCR), Division 6, Chapters 1 and 6. Pursuant to 22 CCR §80072 and §85072, ARFs are required to prominently post the personal rights of ARF clients in areas of the facility that are accessible to clients and their visitors.

What does the California Personal Rights Adult Residential Facilities Poster cover?

  • Personal rights of clients specified in 22 CCR §80072(a)

Listed are personal rights and standards regarding personal respect; physical living conditions; protection from physical or mental abuse or other punitive actions; freedom to attend religious services; freedom of movement; right to receive or reject medical care; the right to be informed of the facility’s visitation policy; and the rights related to filing a complaint against the facility.

  • Personal rights of clients specified in 22 CCR §85072(b)

Listed are personal rights and standards regarding visitation of the facility prior to admission; communications pertaining the client’s care or supervision, including  changes to the client’s needs and services plan; receiving visitors at the facility; wearing the client’s own clothes; possession of personal items and cash resources; access to storage space; making and receiving confidential correspondence; receiving unopened mail; voting assistance; and moving from the facility.

  • Filing a Compliant

The poster provides information about filing a compliant with the CCLD and the CCLD Complaint Hotline number, email address, and the web locator for CCLD Regional Office locations.

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