Florida Interpretive Services Poster


The Florida Interpretive Services Poster must be displayed in CareerSource Centers and in any establishment that receives Federal financial assistance for workforce programs.

Multilingual – 22 languages, incl. English and Spanish.

12″ x 18″ – Poly Vinyl both sides.

SKU: 09704

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The Florida Interpretive Services Poster informs the public that they do not need to use friends or family for interpretive services because free interpretive and translation services are available for individuals who do not speak English or who are deaf, hard of hearing, or sight impaired. The message is displayed in 22 languages, including English, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, German, and Portuguese.

Recipients of Federal financial assistance are prohibited under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 from discriminating on the grounds of race, color, or national origin. Individuals cannot be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) on the basis of their race, color, or national origin. National origin discrimination may include failing to provide services or information in a language that the individual can understand. (29 CFR 31).

DOL issued guidance in 2003 (revised in 2014) which recommends that recipients of Federal financial assistance implement a LEP (Limited English Proficiency) Plan which includes posting signs in intake areas and entry points to provide notice of the availability of language assistance services. The state of Florida requires the posting of such signage.

Posting Requirement

The Florida Interpretive Services Poster is issued by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity and Employ Florida for use by CareerSource Centers and other recipients who receive Federal financial assistance through the agency. Federal assistance includes grants, training, use of equipment, donations of surplus property, and other assistance.

Under CareerSource Florida Administrative Policy 93 (One-Stop Career Center Certification Requirements),  every full-service and satellite CareerSource center is required to post the Florida Interpretive Services Poster along with other mandatory state and Federal labor law posters. Post the Florida Interpretive Services Poster in intake areas and entry points.
