Illinois Day and Temporary Labor Services Act Poster


The Illinois Day and Temporary Service Poster must be posted by labor agencies that provide day and temporary labor.

SKU: 13300

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Illinois Day and Temporary Labor Services Act poster details:

The Illinois “Day and Temporary Labor Services Act” (820 ILCS 175) provides for the regulation of registered Day and Temporary Labor Service Agencies and the rights and protections that apply to workers assigned to day and temporary work by those agencies. Basic temporary workers’ rights and Day and Temporary Labor Service Agencies’ responsibilities under the Act are covered on the poster, including amendments to the law enacted in 2023 pursuant to Illinois House Bill 2862.

Temporary worker rights include:

  • Correct Wages and Payment Notice – Temporary workers have the right to be paid correctly based on their pay rate and hours worked. They must be provided contact information for each client company they are assigned to, the hours worked at each client company’s worksite, rate of pay, total pay period earnings, and deductions.
  • Safety and Hazard Training – On or before the first day of work at a client company each year, the Day and Temporary Labor Services Agency must give a temporary worker general safety training for the client company’s worksite that includes all known and existing hazards. Workers must be paid for time in training.
  • Right to Refuse Assignment Due to a Labor Dispute – Workers have the right to refuse assignment to a client company’s worksite or location where there is a strike, lockout, or other labor trouble without being retaliated against by the Day and Temporary Labor Services Agency.
  • Transportation – Workers cannot be charged for transportation to a worksite provided by a Day and Temporary Labor Services Agency or client company or by referral to another transportation provider.

Day and Temporary Labor Service Agencies’ responsibilities include:

  • Required Notice – A Day and Temporary Labor Services Agency must post the Day and Temporary Labor Services Agency Poster in an area easily accessible to all workers at each work location or branch office.
  • Wage Payment and Notice to the Worker – A Day and Temporary Labor Services Agency must provide a detailed paycheck stub or statement for each pay period. The Agency must also provide an annual earnings summary to each worker every calendar year. Workers have the right to request their Agency to pay wages weekly, bi-weekly, or semimonthly.
  • Transportation – Day and Temporary Labor Services Agencies are responsible for the conduct of drivers providing transportation for workers, unless an exception applies.
  • Registration – Day and Temporary Labor Services Agencies must register with the Illinois Department of Labor. The current web address for registration is reflected on the poster.
  • Placement Fees – Conversion or Placement fees cannot be charged by an agency after a laborer has performed work for 60 days at a third party client.

Illinois Day and Temporary Service posting requirement:

  • The law requires every agency to post and keep posted at each location, in a position easily accessible to all employees, notices as supplied and required by the Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) containing a copy or summary of the provisions of the Act, including the toll-free telephone number for day or temporary laborers and the public to file wage dispute complaints and other alleged violations.
  • Such notices shall be in English or any other language generally understood in the locale of the day and temporary labor service agency.


The poster provides the toll-free number that workers can use to file a complaint or report a violation with the IDOL. The poster also reflects the current web address for the IDOL.
