New Jersey Laundry Cleaning and Dyeing Occupations-Order No. 13


New Jersey employers in laundry, cleaning and dyeing industry employing minors must display this wage order.


12″ x 18″ – Poly Vinyl both sides.

SKU: 30007

The law requires additional posters for your industry

Pick your industry to be in complete compliance with all state and federal labor laws for your state and industry.

Employers in the laundry, cleaning, and dyeing industry employing minors must display the New Jersey Laundry, Cleaning and Dyeing Occupations Wage Order in a conspicuous location in the workplace.

“Laundry, cleaning and dyeing” occupations means any activity of a minor or any capacity in the marking, sorting, washing, cleansing, collecting, ironing, assembling, packaging, pressing, receiving shipping or delivery, or any other activity including clerical work, directly incidental or essential to the laundering, cleaning or renovating of any articles of clothing, drapery, blanket, rugs, carpets, draperies, bed clothing fabric, textile, fur or leather, when such activity is not performed in the original process of manufacturing.
