Labor Law Updates

Keeping you current on the ever changing labor laws

This fall, most of Alberta’s minimum wage workers will enjoy a raise in their hourly earnings. Effective September 1, 2013, the general minimum wage will rise from the current rate of $9.75 per hour to $9.95 per hour. The minimum wage for salespersons will increase from $389 per week to $397 per week. Each year, Read more

The Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development has released an updated Unemployment Insurance poster dated June 2013. The changes address clarifications regarding work search eligibility and benefit requirements. Compliance Poster Company has the exclusive Peel N Post update available for this change. Click here to order the Tennessee Unemployment Insurance Peel N Post. Click Read more

The war on drugs has been raging for many years and everyone plays a part in eradicating illegal substances from not only our communities, but our workplaces as well. The Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 mandates that some federal contractors and all federal grantees agree to provide drug-free workplaces before receiving a contract or Read more

Colorado law now requires restaurants, bars and other establishments licensed to sell alcohol beverages to post a new warning sign. Colorado Liquor Code was recently amended to protect “on-premise” liquor licensees from being cited for allowing removal of alcohol beverages from their establishments if they post specified signs at each exit used by the public. Read more

If you’re in the healthcare or hospitality industry it comes as no surprise that good health and hygiene play an important part in your field. By displaying a federal labor law poster that reminds employees to wash their hands often and before and after handling food or using the restroom, you help prevent the spread of dangerous Read more

Vermont employers are required to display the latest edition of the Vermont Department of Labor’s (DOL) Unemployment Insurance (UI) posting. The updated posting contains important information for workers that experience job loss or a reduction in hours. The updated posting includes: Availability of free professional help in finding a job, internship or job training opportunities Read more

The Illinois Human Rights Act prohibits sexual harassment in institutions of higher education. It specifically bans unwelcome advances or conduct of a sexual nature and requests for sexual favors of students by an executive, faculty member, administrative staff member or teaching assistant. More specifically, the Act prohibits behaviors that involve interfering with the student’s performance Read more

The Davis-Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA) apply to contractors and subcontractors that perform federally funded or assisted contracts greater than $2,000 for the construction, alteration, or repair of public buildings or public works. Every employer covered by the labor standards of the DBRA must display a federal labor law poster where it can be seen by employees. Read more

Seeking to place new regulations on construction companies operating in Pennsylvania, Gov. Ed Rendell signed Pennsylvania’s new Construction Workplace Misclassification Act (CWMA) into law in October 2010. Independent contractors can only be classified by construction companies under specific conditions outlined in the CWMA. Any independent contractor who doesn’t meet the outlined specifications, should be reclassified as an Read more

Boston Bound: Compliance Poster Company’s Research Staff Interviews One of their Own on Qualifying for the 2014 Boston Marathon Recently two of CPC’s Legal Research & Compliance Department team members sat down with CPC’s Sales Manager to discuss his recent accomplishment. Carrie Dingler: How are you feeling Sean? Sean Viramontez: On top of the world, Read more