Labor Law Updates

Keeping you current on the ever changing labor laws

Effective Now! The Pennsylvania Construction Workplace Misclassification Act (72), employee misclassification as independent contractors, is illegal for all commercial and residential construction in Pennsylvania. The law is now effective and construction industry employers must comply with the mandatory-to-post requirements. Under the law it is unlawful to do the following Contract with an employer knowing that Read more

Employers have many different responsibilities under California Labor laws.  Among these is the mandatory requirement to provide employees with specified pamphlets, notice of Unemployment and Workers’ Compensation Insurance, State Disability Insurance, Paid Family Leave and Sexual Harassment. California mandatory pamphlet distribution requirements are in addition to the state and federal mandatory-to-post laws for the state. Read more

North Carolina’s required Workers’ Compensation Notice Form 17 (English version) has been updated. Specifically, in reference to assistance with Safety Education Training, the phrase “at no cost” has been removed from the notice. The notice revision date was also updated. This change was made because Safety Education Training is no longer available free of charge. Read more

New California Law, Definition of “Serious Violation” Strengthens Cal/OSHA’s Enforcement Authority California law requires an employer to provide employees with a safe workplace and authorizes the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) to enforce health and safety standards in places of employment. This includes investigating, issuing citations, and imposing civil penalties when an Read more

Maryland’s Unemployment Insurance notice to Employees (DLLR/OUI 328 Employees Rights Under Maryland’s Unemployment Insurance Law) contains important new contact information, as well as other changes. Changes to Maryland Unemployment Insurance The notice now identifies the correct office and street/mailing address for complaints of discrimination in the unemployment insurance process. Persons seeking assistance should address related Read more

 Virginia has made two important, required poster changes to the state’s CLI (Credit for Low income Individuals) notice. Details of the changes and additional important information are below regarding the Credit for Low income Individual eligibility and iFile system. Virginia CLI and iFile Changes The website link for state CLI information has been updated and now Read more

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) recently announced that the total number of reported nonfatal, occupational injury and illness cases that required days away from work to recuperate decreased by 9% in 2009 for private industry, state and local government. BLS also reported that state and local government workers had much Read more

OSHA has withdrawn from review a proposal to restore a column for work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) on the employer injury and illness log. The decision was made because the agency found that it needed greater input from small businesses on the impact the proposal would have on them. The agencies outreach to small businesses will Read more

The Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act requires certain employers to prepare and maintain records of work-related injuries and illnesses. Employers must record work-related injuries and illnesses on the OSHA 300 Log but post only the 300-A summary no later than February 1 of the year covered by the records and keep the posting in Read more

The Louisiana Workforce Commission has updated its list of state-mandated labor law posters with the release of the new 2011 Earned Income Credit (EIC) poster. Some of the important changes to the EIC notice Increase in Income Eligibility Limits Louisiana’s 2011 EIC notice reflects increases in the income levels for EIC eligibility in 2011. The Read more