Safety In Agriculture


Many people don’t realize how dangerous chemicals and pesticides that are used in agriculture can be. Even working around pesticides in a field or other outdoor area that has been sprayed with pesticides can be poisonous.

The chemicals from pesticides enter your body through both your skin and clothes. Other ways pesticides enter your body is through breathing mist, dust, fumes or smoke. Washing your hands before eating or handling food, can help prevent the poisons from being passed on. When you are at work, it is the responsibility of the employer to post labor law and compliance posters and to protect the health and safety of employees. As an employee, you are responsible for your own safety.

Some of the things you should look out for when working in a place that uses pesticides are: chemicals on plants, soil, irrigation water, and air; six day initial training period; notification of where chemicals are applied; and the areas of decontamination. While these safety measures, along with workplace compliance posters have been put into place to keep you safe, prevention is ultimately the key.  Wearing long sleeves, pants, shoes, socks, rubber gloves, and eye protection are a few of the best thing things you can do to keep yourself safe when handling pesticides.

Compliance Posters is your best choice for agriculture pesticide safety posters.  We are committed to your safety.