Illinois Bans Sexual Harassment in Higher Education

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The Illinois Human Rights Act prohibits sexual harassment in institutions of higher education. It specifically bans unwelcome advances or conduct of a sexual nature and requests for sexual favors of students by an executive, faculty member, administrative staff member or teaching assistant. More specifically, the Act prohibits behaviors that involve interfering with the student’s performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment. An example of this behavior might look like: a registration advisor telling a student he or she might be able to get into a class if the student dates the advisor; an admissions officer who tells a prospective student that he/she will put in a “good word” if the student dates the advisor or exchanges sex; encouragement by the advisor to allow inappropriate touching for scholarships or a better grade.

The Illinois Human Rights Act also prohibits retaliation against a student for opposing sexual harassment in higher education, for participating in an investigation of sexual harassment in higher education or for filing a charge. Institutions of higher education are required to post workplace compliance posters in common areas that are easily accessible to all students.

Compliance Poster Company has been specifically trained to guide you through compliance requirements, assist you in identifying areas of non-compliance, and discuss updated strategies. Call us today.