Tips for Celebrating the Holidays Safely at Work

Tips for Celebrating the Holidays Safely

Decorating around the office is a great way for employees to celebrate the holiday season together. When planning seasonal events and decorations for the office, it’s important to keep workplace holiday safety in mind. Here are some simple suggestions to make your holidays safer:

Holiday Decoration Safety

  • Stay alert to potential safety hazards. Keep OSHA standards in mind when deciding how to decorate your workplace for the holiday.
  • Avoid placing Christmas trees, holiday gifts, and freestanding decorations in heavily trafficked areas.
  • Make sure that holiday décor does not interfere with exits or exit signage, fire sprinklers or escape routes.
  • Be aware of potential fire hazards when selecting decorations and determining where to place them.
  • Verify that smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are in proper working order before you start decorating.
  • Do not use any type of decoration that has an open flame.
  • Do not place lights on metallic Christmas trees.
  • Never place staples or nails through strings of lights, power cords, or extension cords.
  • Do not connect too many electrical strands of lights together.
  • Make sure any outside lights are rated for exterior use.
  • Remember to turn off all illuminated decorations when the office is closed.

Office Holiday Party Safety

  • If your office is holding a holiday party where alcohol will be served, arrange for cab service or designate drivers for guests who should not drive.
  • When preparing holiday foods be sure to wash your hands frequently and utensils and cooking tools thoroughly.
  • Properly cook, reheat and store party foods.
  • Skip the mistletoe and berries. Some varieties are poisonous.

By following a few simple safety tips, everyone can enjoy holiday decorations and events at work without having to deal with injuries or damage to property. Enjoy!