Nevada 2016 Minimum Wage and Daily Overtime Bulletins Released

90408[1]Each year, the Nevada Office of the Labor Commissioner reviews the state’s minimum wage rate and daily overtime rate as required by the State Constitution. This review does not necessarily mean a change in the minimum wage or daily overtime rate every year. Instead, the rates are adjusted based on any change in the federal Minimum Wage rate and any increase in the Consumer Price Index. Minimum Wage and Daily Overtime rate increases take effect on July 1 of each year.

This year, Nevada’s minimum wage will remain the same as last year – $8.25 per hour for employers that do not offer a qualified health plan to employees, and $7.25 per hour for employers that do offer a qualified health plan to employees. The daily overtime rate applies to employees paid less than $10.875 per hour with benefits and $12.375 per hour without benefits. Nevada’s minimum wage and overtime rates apply regardless of tips, so tipped employees must be paid the minimum wage and overtime before tips.

The 2016 Annual Minimum Wage Bulletin and 2016 Daily Overtime Bulletin have been updated to reflect this year’s July 1 effective date. All employers are required to post the updated bulletins. New Nevada All-On-One™ Posters include the 2016 bulletins. Employers with an existing All-On-One poster can update with a Nevada 2016 Minimum Wage and Daily Overtime Peel ‘N Post™.