Attention: All Illinois Employers
Effective Immediately!
Mandatory Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA) Posting Update
Illinois 2021 VESSA
Peel ‘N PostTM
Illinois All-On-OneTM Labor Law Poster
What’s new?
The Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) has substantially revised the Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA) posting, featuring the practical implementation of VESSA Leave:
- VESSA description:
- clarifying who is protected, covered forms of violence, and work-related protections
- listing additional purposes for which leave may be used
- NOTICE – explaining the notice requirement when advance notice of leave is not practicable
- CERTIFICATION – identifying permissible forms of certification
- DURATION OF LEAVE – detailing annual entitlement and frequency of use
- ACCOMMODATIONS – suggesting different types of reasonable job and work environment adjustments
- DISCRIMINATION AND RETALIATION – describing the protection of victim status and the way in which VESSA rights are exercised
Who must post?
- VESSA applies to the State or any agency of the State; any unit of local government or school district; or any person that employs at least one employee. (802 ILCS 180/10).
- All covered employers must post and keep posted, in conspicuous places on the premises of the employer where notices to employees are customarily posted, the approved IDOL VESSA posting. (820 ILCS 180/40).