Kathy White, Esq.

Employees in the city of New York are now earning a full week of paid sick leave annually. Under a new law that went into effect on April 1, companies with five or more employees must provide employees up to 40 hours paid time off to care for their own illness or health care or Read more

New Mexico has updated the mandatory state Minimum Wage Act poster to reflect changes in coverage and enforcement provisions. The posting now references the exclusion of workers in agriculture and certain airline employees from overtime pay requirements. The posting also includes new remedial options available to employees for violations of the Minimum Wage Act. There Read more

With summer fast approaching, many employers are planning on bringing young people into the workplace for employment and experience. Depending on your summer plans, there are a few tips you should consider to make sure your young people are properly engaged, prepared and will benefit from the experience. Ensure youths are properly classified. Employers are Read more

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) have just released two short guides on employment background checks: Background Checks: What Employers Need to Know, and Background Checks: What Job Applicants and Employees Should Know [PDF]. The publication for employers covers various procedures and laws that might apply when performing background Read more

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is studying the use of social media by employers and employees and how it affects protections from discrimination.  It’s a timely and significant issue.  A SHRM study shows over 75% of companies are using social networking sites to recruit candidates. Employers use social media for several different reasons: employee Read more

Employees in Nova Scotia are entitled new benefits and protections, indicating the province is on its way to a more vibrant and prosperous economy.  One good sign: workers earning minimum wage soon will see an increase in their wages.  Effective April 1, 2014, Nova Scotia’s general minimum wage rate will increase to $10.40 per hour Read more

Paid and unpaid sick leave laws are part of a growing trend that allows employees time off to recover from their own illness or to care for a sick family member.  Currently, Jersey City, New York City, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, the state of Connecticut, and Washington, D.C. have all passed sick leave laws, often Read more

Decorating around the office is a great way for employees to celebrate the holiday season together. When planning seasonal events and decorations for the office, it’s important to keep workplace holiday safety in mind. Here are some simple suggestions to make your holidays safer: Holiday Decoration Safety Stay alert to potential safety hazards. Keep OSHA Read more