Kathy White, Esq.

Indiana Releases Updated IOSHA Workplace Posting

The Indiana Department of Labor has revised the required Indiana Safety and Health Protection on the Job workplace posting. The workplace posting includes a new section, “Proposed Penalties in Conjunction with a Worker Fatality.” The new section reflects changes made by a recent amendment of the Indiana Occupational Safety and Health Act (IOSHA) increasing penalty Read more

The Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation has released a required update to the Maryland Minimum Wage and Overtime Law Notice following the enactment of legislation (HB 166) in March incrementally raising the state minimum wage rate to $15.00 per hour. To put this law in place, state lawmakers had to override Maryland Governor Larry Read more

Federal Service and Manufacturing Poster English

Executive Order 13496 and U.S. Department of Labor (US DOL) regulations require Federal contractors and subcontractors to post a notice informing their employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). (See 29 CFR Part 471). The NLRA is the primary law governing relations between unions and employers in the private sector.  The Read more

2019 Washington State “Your Rights as a Worker” Posting  Now Available 2019 Your Rights as a Worker Peel ‘N Post™ Washington State All-On-One Labor Law Poster™ What’s New? New! Washington Equal Pay Opportunity Act (EPOA) (RCW 49.58) New! Washington Paid Family and Medical Leave Law (PFML)(RCW 50A.04) Also updated: Second meal period must be provided to agricultural Read more

WA Your Rights as a Worker

Lawmakers in Washington State have been active in recent years enacting groundbreaking new laws promoting workers’ family stability and economic security. Two significant examples are the 2017 Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) insurance program and the 2018 Equal Pay Opportunity Act (EPOA). The Department of Labor & Industries is informing employers and employees of Read more

Washington State Bans Salary History

This month, Washington State became the ninth state to prohibit private employers from seeking the wage or salary history of job applicants. Laws barring the use of salary history from pre-employment consideration are intended to remedy persistent earning inequalities between men and women. The reasoning is that historically, women have been offered lower initial pay Read more

Domestic Workers Bill of Rights

On July 1, 2019, two new ordinances will go into effect in Seattle, Washington, giving domestic workers labor rights and protections traditionally reserved for mainstream employees. The Domestic Workers Ordinance (a.k.a. “Domestic Workers Bill of Rights”) gives minimum wage, meal and rest break rights to domestic workers. The other ordinance extends the protections of the Read more

Paid Parental Leave

Both new parents and newborns experience immediate and long-term benefits given adequate time to develop a strong bond from the outset of the relationship, yet many parents are forced to choose between the bonding experience and a paycheck. Lawmakers are attempting to change that dilemma. Momentum is gaining for a national law that would provide Read more

New Mexico Minimum Wage

Minimum Wage Inching Upward Next January, over 20 states are expected to increase their minimum wage rates for the coming year. Some states up their minimum wage rates by implementing an adjustment based on the annual increase in the cost of living. Other states follow a schedule of legislatively established minimum wage rate increases over Read more