Viri Huerta

Federal Minimum Wage Contractors Poster

Earlier this year, the Department of Labor (DOL) published a notice announcing that starting January 1, 2018, the Executive Order 13658 minimum wage rate will increase to $10.35 per hour. The executive order generally applies to workers performing work on or in connection with covered contracts. Additionally, the minimum wage rate that must be paid Read more

e-cigarettes ban

On October 23, 2017, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed S.B. 2543 adding e-cigarettes to the Clean Indoor Air Act.  The law, which became effective November 22, 2017, bans e-cigarettes in public areas where smoking is prohibited. Some of the areas where smoking is prohibited include: places of employment, bars, enclosed indoor areas open to Read more

Sexual Harassment

In the last month, the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace has been brought to the spotlight with multiple allegations of sexual harassment and assault against U.S. film producer Harvey Weinstein. A number of women and men have used this opportunity to recount their experiences of workplace harassment. Employers are urged to enforce their Read more

Safe Time

On November 6, 2017, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio signed Int. 1313-A, amending the Earned Sick Time Act. Under the Act, which was renamed Earned Safe and Sick Time, employers must allow employees to use paid time off for safe time for family offense matters, sexual offenses, stalking and human trafficking, and their Read more

New York Paid Family Leave

New York employers only have a few more weeks left before the new New York Paid Family Leave becomes effective. Starting January 1, 2018, an employer with employees working in New York for 30 or more days in a calendar year must obtain Paid Family Leave coverage. This includes employers located outside of New York Read more

salary history

Last Tuesday, October 31, 2017, New York became the first city in the nation to implement a law prohibiting all employers in New York City from inquiring about a prospective employee’s salary history during the employment process. The goal of the legislation is to encourage employers to set compensation based on qualifications and not past Read more

2019 Wisconsin Unemployment Insurance Peel 'N Post

The State of Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development has revised, yet again, the Notice to Employees about Applying for Wisconsin Unemployment Insurance. Back in May, the department revised the notice to reflect new procedures when filing an unemployment insurance benefit claim. This month, the released notice includes a new requirement for employers. Employers are required Read more

Connecticut Labor Law Poster

Employers in the state of Connecticut are required, once again, to update their labor law posters to be in compliance with new state changes. The changes include a new protected class under the Human Rights Law and new information on claims for workers’ compensation. Last month, Connecticut posters were updated with the new mandatory pregnancy Read more

October is National Bullying Prevention Month

Join Compliance Poster Company as we support National Bullying Prevention Month. The campaign was founded by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center to educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention. Bullying is a repeated aggressive behavior where one person or group of people in a position of power deliberately intimidates, abuses, or coerces an individual with Read more

Rhode Island’s Healthy and Safe Families and Workplace Act

Paid sick leave laws continue to be a growing trend in the United States. Rhode Island is the latest state to join seven states and Washington, D.C. in requiring paid sick leave. Under the Healthy and Safe Families and Workplace Act, effective July 1, 2018, employers with 18 employees must allow employees to accrue and Read more