Minimum Wage

Employers in the City of Los Angeles had more than a year to prepare for the City’s minimum wage hike that went into effect at the beginning of this month, but relatively little time to prepare for the mandatory paid sick leave benefits that also began to accrue to their employees since the beginning of Read more

By now, California employers have heard that several California localities will implement minimum wage rates that exceed state minimum wage rates effective July 1, 2016. Compliance Poster Company has all of the mandatory Minimum Wage posters in the required formats and languages. Click on a city/county below to order the poster for your community. CA Read more

On July 1, 2016, Pasadena will be one of several Southern California cities to implement a minimum wage requirement. Pasadena’s new Minimum Wage Ordinance requires employers to pay employees no less than the minimum wage described in Municipal Code 5.02.015 for each hour worked within the geographic boundaries of the City. The Ordinance is effective Read more

Each year, the Nevada Office of the Labor Commissioner reviews the state’s minimum wage rate and daily overtime rate as required by the State Constitution. This review does not necessarily mean a change in the minimum wage or daily overtime rate every year. Instead, the rates are adjusted based on any change in the federal Read more

Washington Unemployment Benefits Washington State requires employers responsible for unemployment insurance coverage of their employees to post the mandatory Unemployment Benefits poster. The notice has several important changes that affect applicant eligibility and application procedures. This includes: Applicants must be able to provide employer history for the last 18 months Applicants that were in the Read more

Birmingham, Alabama will soon be the first city in Alabama to implement a minimum wage rate. Last August the Birmingham City Council passed an Ordinance establishing a minimum wage rate of $8.50 per hour starting in 2016 and increasing to $10.10 per hour in 2017. After that, minimum wage increases will be tied to changes Read more

Many New Mexico employers have workplace posting requirements in addition to state notice compliance postings. Several New Mexico communities have established minimum wage rates that are higher than the state minimum wage rate of $7.50 per hour. These local minimum wage rates are determined each year based on annual changes in local Consumer Price Indexes Read more

Posted on June 9, 2015 by Kathleen White, Research & Compliance The Nevada Labor Commissioner requires all employers to post the Nevada Annual Minimum Wage Bulletin and Annual Daily Overtime Bulletin announcing the minimum hourly wage and the hourly pay rate below which an employee will qualify for daily overtime effective July 1. Each year Nevada’s minimum wage rate is reviewed Read more

What’s happening? The city of Chicago, Illinois joined a host of other communities across the county that have established minimum wage rates significantly higher than their respective state minimum wage rates. Among them are Albuquerque, NM, Santa Fe, NM, Montgomery County, MD, Prince George’s County, MD, Berkeley, CA, San Francisco, CA, Oakland, CA, and Seattle, WA. How much? Read more