Labor Law Updates

Keeping you current on the ever changing labor laws

The San Jose California Minimum Wage Ordinance was passed by City of San Jose voters on November 6, 2012. Effective March 11, 2013 employers that maintain a facility in San Jose or are subject to the San Jose Business Tax are required to display the new San Jose Minimum Wage poster in a conspicuous place Read more

The US Department of Labor today published a new Final Rule expanding military-related leave protections under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).  The Final Rule is effective March 8, 2013. The Final Rule implements two important expansions of FMLA protections. The first expansion provides families of eligible veterans with the same job-protected FMLA leave Read more

Under the NY Wage Theft Prevention Act New York employers are required to provide all employees written notice of their wage rates each year by February 1, as well as, to each new hire. Visit the New York Department of Labor Standards at to download the Notice and Acknowledgement of Pay Rate and Payday Read more

Louisiana has just released the annual Earned Income Credit posting update. The 2013 posting provides the new income eligibility limits to claim the EIC tax credit. Income amounts have increased over last year. The revised posting identifies the separate income eligibility limits for employees (individual and married filing jointly) having one, two, or three or Read more

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s latest 4-year Strategic Enforcement Plan (SEP) continues to make agency-initiated investigation and litigation of employment policies and practices an enforcement priority. The EEOC’s priorities include: Preventing exclusionary practices in recruiting and hiring, such as discriminatory screening tools, background checks and date-of-birth inquiries, Protecting immigrant, migrant and other vulnerable workers, focusing Read more

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), sometimes referred to as EIC, is a tax credit to help individuals keep more of what they earn. Low to moderate income working individuals and families may qualify for the refundable federal income tax credit. To qualify persons must have earned income from employment, self-employment or other source that Read more

Compliance Poster Company reminds employers covered by OSHA’s record-keeping rule to prepare and post the OSHA 300A “Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses” by February 1. The OSHA 300A Summary must be posted from February 1 through April 30 at all covered establishments in visible locations where notices are customarily posted so that employees are Read more

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has announced the four (4) winners of its latest app challenge, the “Worker Safety and Health App Challenge”. These new tools demonstrate the importance of recognizing and preventing workplace safety and health hazards. They also help young people understand their rights in the workplace. The winners of the challenge Read more

Effective January 31, 2013 Massachusetts temporary staffing agencies have a new posting requirement.  To be in compliance with Massachusetts labor laws an employer must post the industry specific employee rights notice where it is visible for temporary workers to view. Additionally, the agencies must provide to each employee for new assignment an employment notice that Read more

States release mandatory updates to labor law posters for 2013. The updates affect areas that include minimum wage, discrimination, unemployment, workers’ compensation among others. Use this checklist to ensure ALL facilities are in compliance with mandatory 2013 updates. Arizona Increase minimum wage California Discrimination and Notices A & B California Pamphlets Workers’ comp, Paid family Read more