Labor Law Updates

Keeping you current on the ever changing labor laws

The Oklahoma Office of Civil Rights Enforcement has updated the state’s Discrimination Law posting.  “Genetic information” has been added as a class protected from employment discrimination. This change comes from Oklahoma Senate Bill 837, passed in 2011. The law applies to public and private employers, labor organizations and employment agencies. The law protects employees and Read more

If you’re an employer in Washington State, then you already know it’s important to keep employees informed of their rights and responsibilities at work. All Washington employers are also required to post State workplace posters that are “in good condition” and current. By law, the fines for failure to post any of the State’s required Read more

Compliance Poster Company – California Employer Alert! In only 8 business days new mandatory California employment laws take effect. These new laws alter several mandatory-to-post notices that employers must have displayed on break room walls. The new laws cover expanded: Accommodations employers must make for religious practices, and Protection against discrimination based on an individual’s Read more

Labor Law Compliance Alert! Rhode Island minimum wage earners will see a bump up in their paychecks starting January 1, 2013. For the past 6 years Rhode Island’s minimum wage was $7.40 per hour. During the 2012 legislative session Governor Lincoln Chafee signed a bill raising the wage rate by 35 cents to $7.75 per Read more

Employers in the Sunshine State are required to update their labor law posters to be in compliance with recent state changes.  The changes include an increase in the minimum wage and updates concerning unemployment compensation assistance under the Reemployment Assistance Program. Enactment of the Florida Minimum Wage Act dates back to 2005. Each September 30 Read more

Employers will find more than just a change in the minimum wage rate on Ohio’s 2013 Minimum Wage notice. There are several other changes that provide guidance in applying the state’s minimum wage laws. New on the 2013 notice: Non-tipped employees’ minimum wage rate increase to $7.85 per hour (up 15 cents over the 2012 Read more

Since January of this year, the New Jersey legislature has been considering a bill to raise the state minimum wage from $7.50 per hour to $8.50 per hour. Last May, the State Assembly passed the bill. Next, it’s the State Senate’s turn weigh in and it may make a decision as early as next week. Read more

Missouri Department of Labor & Industrial Relations Announces Minimum Wage Increase For Workers The numbers are in…Missouri’s Department of Labor announces an increase in the minimum wage effective next year. Effective January 1, 2013 workers in Missouri will get paid 10 cents more, $7.35 per hour which puts them 10 cents above the federal minimum Read more