Compliance Poster Company Releases New Must-Have Training Poster

Compliance Poster Company announces the release of their premiere training tool for 2013 and beyond, the Heart Attack & Stroke Poster, product number 74221. This poster is a vital reinforcement tool for training employees have received. It also helps fulfill workplace first aid and Injury and Illness Prevention Program requirements. Emergencies can and do occur in the workplace. Safety first, the key is to act quickly and save lives. With heart attack and stroke emergencies every minute counts. Save lives…post this poster in the workplace where employees can easily view it. Some ideal posting locations include break rooms, kitchens or cafeterias, common areas, and near building entrances and exits.

Topics included on the poster are:

  • Heart Attack Warning Signs
  • Symptoms of Stroke
  • First Aid Measures
  • Act “F.A.S.T.” Procedures

Knowing the Symptoms Saves Lives. Train Your Employees Today!

Do you have the current Choke saving/CPR poster? There were mandatory updates in 2012 to choke saving and CPR procedures. Order both posters to ensure your workplace is a safe one as required by state and federal laws.

Give us a call at 1-800-817-7678 for details on attaining complete compliance for your workplace. Compliance Poster Company services all industries and businesses.