Proper Handling Of Ground Beef

As one of America’s staple foods, the U. S. consumed almost 12 billion hamburgers in 2007. Statistics show that ground beef patties are grilled more frequently than any other meat. It doesn’t just stop with patties: meat loaf, meat balls, sloppy joes, and tacos are also some of America’s most popular food items. Because beef is eaten so often, by so many people, it’s important to know how to handle the unique character of this well-known American favorite.

Thawing ground beef on a plate in the bottom of the refrigerator keeps juices from dripping on other food. Raw and ready-to-eat meats should be kept separate, like in a refrigerator meat drawer. Wash hands well, both before and after handling raw ground beef. Also, cutting boards, utensils, and other items should be washed and rinsed well. Use separate plates to carry raw and cooked meat. It’s also ideal to post workplace compliance posters in food preparation areas. Pathogens like E. Coli are a huge concern, when handling ground beef, but can be destroyed by heating beef to an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit. E. Coli is normally associated with ruminant animals and beef trimmings, or ground meat that contains or distributes pathogens, respectively.

Protecting your employees against possible life-threatening illnesses requires posting of federal compliance posters and using a thermometer to make sure ground beef reaches a safe temperature.

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