Texas OIEC Ombudsman Program Notice – Mandatory Update

Updated Notice Required – Effective Immediately!
Texas OIEC Ombudsman
Program Notice
Peel ‘N Post™
Texas All-On-One™
Labor Law Poster
What’s new?
  • The Texas OIEC Ombudsman Program Notice has been significantly redesigned, and has new size requirements.
What’s changed?
The Office of Injured Employee Counsel (OIEC) has released a new version of the Ombudsman Program Notice. The notice has been redesigned with a new color scheme and a new OIEC logo.
Employers are also required to print the notice with a title in at least 15 point bold type and text in at least 14 point normal type. CPC has redesigned the posting to be compliant with the new size requirement.
Who must post?
All Texas employers participating in the Texas Workers’ Compensation system must display the OIEC Ombudsman Program Notice in places readily accessible to the employees (28 TAC §276.5 (c)).