Virginia All-On-One™ Labor Law Poster Updated
New Labor Law Postings Issued
Virginia Laws Enacted and Amended:
Reasonable Accommodations for Pregnancy
Virginia Human Rights Act
Covenants Not to Compete Prohibited
Job Safety and Health Protection
2020 Virginia All-On-One™ Labor Law Poster
What’s new?
- Reasonable Accommodations for Pregnancy (Senate Bill 712) – Employers with five or more employees must provide reasonable accommodations for pregnancy, childbirth and related conditions, and may not take adverse action against an employee for requesting or using a reasonable accommodation.
- Virginia Values Act (Senate Bill 868) – Amends the Human Rights Act to include sexual orientation, gender identity, and veteran status to classes protected from discrimination in public and private employment, public accommodations, housing and credit transactions; expands the scope of employers subject to the Act’s nondiscrimination and unlawful discharge provisions.
- Covenants Not to Compete Prohibited (House Bill 480) – All employers are prohibited from entering into, enforcing or threatening to enforce a “covenant not to compete” agreement with a low-wage employee that restricts the employee’s ability, following termination, to compete with his or her former employer.
- Job Safety and Health Protection (§ 40.1-49.4) – Annual increase in penalty rates:
- Serious violations – $13,277
- Other-than-serious violations – $13,277
- Failure to correct violations – $13,277/day
- Willful or repeated violations – $132,764
Who must post?
The Human Rights Act applies to employers with six or more employees. (Va. Code § 2.2-3905). The Reasonable Accommodations for Pregnancy posting must be posted by employers with five or more employees. (Va. Code § 2.2-3909). The Covenants Not to Compete Prohibited and the Job Safety and Health Protection postings must be posted by all employers. (Va. Code § 40.1-28.7:8; 16 VAC 25-60-40).