California Mandatory Cal/OSHA Posting Update Released

Attention: All California Employers

Effective Immediately!

Mandatory Cal/OSHA Safety and Health Protection on the Job Posting Update

California 2021 Cal/OSHA
Peel ‘N Post™
California All-On-One™ Labor Law Poster
Cal/OSHA Posting Q & A’s
Question: Who must post?
Answer: California law (LC §6408) and the implementing regulations (8 CCR §340) require all California employers to post the Cal/OSHA Safety and Health Protection on the Job posting in each employer’s establishments. Because posting is an ongoing responsibility, employers need to replace the Cal/OSHA posting each time it is revised.
Question: What must be posted?
Answer: The law requires that the Cal/OSHA posting include the addresses and telephone numbers of Cal/OSHA District Offices, and inform employees of their right to report unsafe working conditions and the right to request a safety inspection by contacting the nearest Cal/OSHA District Office.
Question: What changed?
Answer: The Cal/OSHA posting has been updated to reflect the current address and telephone number of the Cal/OSHA Long Beach District Office. The posting is dated March 2021.
Question: My business is located elsewhere. Do I need to update?
Answer: Yes. The Cal/OSHA posting states, “The law requires that this poster must be displayed.” The posting requirement applies to all California employers equally regardless of each employer’s location. Posting the updated Cal/OSHA posting protects employers from a citation and a substantial civil penalty for a regulatory violation.