Oklahoma Mandatory Unemployment Insurance Posting Update

Attention: Oklahoma Employers
Mandatory Posting Update

Effective Immediately
Oklahoma Unemployment
Insurance Benefits

Oklahoma 2021 Unemployment Insurance Benefits Peel ‘N Post™
Oklahoma All-On-One™ Labor Law Poster
What’s new?

2021 Oklahoma Senate Bill 794 establishes electronic filing as the preferred method for filing claims for unemployment benefits with the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission (OESC).

The Unemployment Insurance Benefits posting has new and updated information about online tools and resources:

  • Claim filing can all be done online
  • Location of the new digital services portal
  • OESC Service Center contact number
  • Oklahoma Works online office locator
  • Online locator for the OESC’s free Informational Booklet for Workers Who are Unemployed

Who must post?
Employers subject to the Employment Security Act must post the updated Unemployment Insurance Benefits posting where it is easily accessible and likely to be seen by employees. (O.A.C. 240:10-3-51).