New York Mandatory Posting Update

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 New York All-On-One™
Labor Law Poster
New York Discrimination Peel ‘N Post™
New York All-On-One™ Labor Law Poster
What’s new?
The 2024 New York Discrimination posting has been revised to reflect the following amendments to the New York Human Rights Law:
  • Citizenship and immigration status are protected categories under the law.
  • The statute of limitations for discrimination claims has been extended.
    • Effective February 15, 2024, individuals have three years to file a complaint for alleged acts of discrimination.
    • Before February 15, 2024, individuals had one year to file a complaint.
Who must post?

Every employer, employment agency, labor organization, and labor-management committee subject to the Human Rights Law must post and maintain in places readily accessible to employees the New York Discrimination posting. (9 NYCRR § 466.1)

What else do I need to know?

If you received the New York All-On-One Poster and/or the New York Mobile Poster Pak in the last 30 days, you do not need to do anything. You will be receiving the 2024 New York Discrimination Peel ‘N Post in the next two weeks. If you have not ordered a recent New York update, please call your Compliance Advisor at 1-800-817-7678 to place an order.