Kathy White, Esq.

Minimum Wage Increase Vermont has released two important posting requirements for Vermont employers.  The first is the State’s Minimum Wage Notice which implements the minimum wage increases passed by the legislature and signed into law last June. The new law establishes incremental increases in the minimum wage rate beginning January 1, 2015 and continuing through Read more

Compliance with the regulations and requirements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“PPACA” or “ACA”) is complicated, particularly for small businesses. Fortunately, the federal government has a simple, one-stop Health Care Changes website to provide employers of all sizes with state-by-state information on their options and responsibilities under Affordable Care Act. The website Read more

Tipped employees largely work in the restaurant, hospitality and service industries and they regularly receive tips in the performance of their jobs. Their employers, however, sometimes find it challenging to ensure they meet minimum wage rate requirements, handle the “tip credit” properly and help tipped workers understand their pay. The federal Fair Labor Standards Act Read more

In anticipation of holiday shopping season, the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has released a Fact Sheet for retailers offering suggestions for managing crowds at holiday sales events. The guidance divides the task into four sections: (1) planning, (2) pre-event set up, (3) during the sales event, and (4) handling emergency situations. Some Read more

Washington DC has passed a new law (DC B 671) that will soon require employers to provide employees with written notice outlining the terms of their employment.  The law also clarifies the administrative procedures for adjudicating wage disputes and enhances remedies, fines and administrative penalties against an employer that fails to pay earned wages. Further, Read more

The North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Notice to Injured Workers and Employers has been revised and must be posted by all North Carolina employers covered by the Workers’ Compensation Act pursuant to §97-93 of the act. The Notice now requires an employer to complete and post information about its workers’ compensation insurance coverage. An employer must Read more

According to a recent national survey, more than 96 percent of American workers prefer to receive their pay by direct deposit or by prepaid, reloadable payroll cards. The use of prepaid cards is on the rise and gaining the attention of state legislatures. On January 1, 2015, Illinois and Nebraska will become the latest states Read more

Effective January 1, 2015, state of Washington will have the country’s highest state minimum wage rate at $9.47 per hour.  Washington is one of several states that annually adjust the minimum wage rate based on changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI).  Since last year the CPI has increased 1.59 percent leading to state minimum Read more

On Tuesday, California Bay Area voters approved minimum wage hikes for the cities of San Francisco and Oakland. For workers in San Francisco, passage of the ballot measure will mean two raises in 2015. San Francisco Minimum Wage The City of San Francisco Minimum Wage Measure J was approved by 77% of voters. The measure Read more