Viri Huerta

In the last few months, fast food workers across the nation have been seen demanding a higher minimum wage rate. In New York, Commissioner of Labor Mario J. Musolino called for a wage board to investigate the wages of fast-food employees. After more than 10 weeks of study and deliberations, the Fast Food Wage Board Read more

In 2013, Jersey City became the first New Jersey municipality to pass an Earned Sick Leave Ordinance. Under the law, employers with 10 or more employees are required to provide up to 40 hours of paid sick leave annually. Employers with less than 10 employees have to provide up to 40 hours of unpaid sick Read more

As previously shared in our blog, Kansas City Council passed a minimum wage ordinance scheduled to go into effect August 24, 2015. The ordinance’s effective date was postponed when a committee of petitioners submitted a referendum. With the referendum in place, it would be up to Kansas City voters to decide whether to pass the ordinance during Read more

Yesterday, October 27, 2015, the Fair Chance Act went into effect in New York City. Under the new law, employers cannot ask a job applicant about his or her criminal history or request to authorize a background check, until after the job position is offered. Employers cannot express any employment limitation based on an individual’s Read more

As reported in our blog on April 21, 2015, New York City (NYC) introduced a bill that if passed would prohibit an employer from asking job applicants or current employees questions regarding their credit history. On May 6, 2015, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio passed the Stop Credit Discrimination in Employment Act. The law became Read more

The city of Pittsburgh, PA has passed an ordinance requiring employers to provide paid or unpaid sick time to their employees working in the City. The Paid Sick Days Act will become effective January 11, 2016. Like other paid sick leave laws adopted across the nation, this local law was passed to reduce the spread Read more

As previously shared in our blog, the city of St. Louis passed a law on August 14th to increase its minimum wage rate. Minimum wage employees who had worked at least 20 hours within a calendar year in the City had to be paid $8.25 per hour starting October 15th. Under the new ordinance, employers Read more

Beginning tomorrow October 15th, employers in the city of St. Louis must pay their minimum wage employees $8.25 per hour. As stated in the new ordinance (Bill 83), an employee must be paid the new rate if he or she worked 20 hours within a calendar year while physically present within the geographic boundaries of Read more

The state of Texas has recently passed a law (Bill H 1151) that protects unpaid interns from sexual harassment in the workplace. The law, which went into effect on September 1st, defines sexual harassment as an “unwelcomed sexual advance, a request for a sexual favor, or any other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual Read more

New Jersey Labor and Workforce Development, Division of Wage and Hour Compliance announced that the state’s minimum wage rate of $8.38 per hour will remain unchanged for 2016. As previously shared in our CPC blog, New Jersey passed a new law (Bill SCR 1) during the 2014 legislative session, amending its constitution. Under the enacted Read more