Minimum Wage Increase

2019 Missouri Minimum Wage Peel 'N Post

Missouri’s Department of Labor and Industrial Relations has recently released the new 2018 Minimum Wage posting. The posting has been substantially reformatted and updated with the new minimum wage rate. Effective January 1, 2018, the minimum wage rate will increase from $7.70 per hour to $7.85 per hour. The minimum wage rate is adjusted annually Read more

New York Labor Law Poster

Employers in the state of New York are required to update their labor law posters to be in compliance with new state changes. The changes include an increase in the minimum wage rate and updates concerning the New York Wage Deduction Law. Our readers may recall that during the 2016 legislative session, Senate Bill 6406 Read more

2020 Alaska Minimum Wage Peel 'N Post

Starting January 1, 2018, minimum wage employees in the state of Alaska will receive an increase in their pay. Alaska’s new minimum wage is $9.84 per hour. Like many states across the country, Alaska is required to adjust its minimum wage rate based on the increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). CPI is a Read more

Federal Minimum Wage Contractors Poster

Earlier this year, the Department of Labor (DOL) published a notice announcing that starting January 1, 2018, the Executive Order 13658 minimum wage rate will increase to $10.35 per hour. The executive order generally applies to workers performing work on or in connection with covered contracts. Additionally, the minimum wage rate that must be paid Read more

minimum wage

In the last few days, several states tied to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) have officially announced their 2018 minimum wage rates. CPI is a measure of the average change in prices of goods and services purchased by households over time. Each year, these states adjust their minimum wage rates for an increase in the Read more

St. Louis Minimum Wage Poster

Our readers may recall that the City of St. Louis, MO passed the Minimum Wage Law (Ordinance 70078) in 2015. The law was blocked that same year by a Circuit Court Judge that decided the local law conflicted with the state’s minimum wage. On February 28, 2017, the Supreme Court of Missouri determined that the City’s Read more

In the wake of the Arizona Supreme Court’s rejection of a bid to block the state minimum wage increase, the Flagstaff City Council reconvened to slow down the city minimum wage’s impending leap above the state rates. Flagstaff’s Proposition 414 was intended to raise the city minimum wage to $15 by the year 2021, starting Read more

Five Canadian provinces will increase their minimum wage rates this spring. The minimum wage rate increases are based on annual changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The CPI is an indicator of changes in consumer prices experienced by Canadians. It is obtained by comparing the cost of a fixed basket of goods and services Read more

St. Louis’ minimum wage earners will soon see an increase in their pay. Our readers may recall an earlier blog post that St. Louis adopted a minimum wage ordinance (No. 70078) in 2015 that would increase the city’s minimum wage rate in a series of installments beginning October 15, 2015 and ending on January 1, Read more

On January 19, 2017, the Quebec Labour Minister Dominique Vien announced a series of annual minimum wage rate increases. Starting May 1, 2017, the province’s general minimum wage rate will increase from $10.75 per hour to $11.25 per hour.  For tipped employees, the rate will increase from $9.20 per hour to $9.45 per hour. For Read more