Minimum Wage

2019 Santa Fe Living Wage Poster Now Available

While most New Mexico municipalities update their minimum wage rates in January, Santa Fe stands apart from the pack with an annual increase to the city living wage on March 1. With the most recent increase already in effect, the city has finally released the mandatory poster. Employers with workers operating within the city should Read more

Illinois Minimum Wage to Reach $15

After nearly a decade of hovering just above the federal minimum wage, Illinois has joined California, New York, Massachusetts, and (most recently) New Jersey in scheduling a $15 minimum wage. The new law creates a series of smaller wage hikes starting in 2020, with the final $15 rate taking effect in 2025. SB 1, or Read more

2019 Colorado Minimum Wage Peel 'N Post

On January 1, 2019, 20 states, including Colorado, will raise the hourly pay rate for minimum wage workers. Employers are required to pay employees at least the new minimum wage rate and post a notice in the workplace to inform employees of their right to the minimum wage. At the tail end of 2018, Colorado Department of Read more

2019 Arizona Minimum Wage Peel 'N Post

On January 1, 2019, 20 states, including Arizona, will raise the hourly pay rate for minimum wage workers. Employers are required to pay employees at least the new minimum wage rate and post a notice in the workplace to inform employees of their right to the minimum wage. The Industrial Commission of Arizona has released the 2019 Read more

2020 Maine Minimum Wage Poster - Peel 'N Post

On January 1, 2019, 20 states, including the state of Maine, are set to increase the minimum wage. Employers are required to pay employees at least the new minimum wage rate and post a notice in the workplace to inform employees of their right to receive the minimum wage. The Maine Department of Labor has released Read more

2019 Ohio Minimum Wage Notice Now Available!

On January 1, 2019, 20 states, including the state of Ohio, are set to increase the minimum wage. Employers are required to pay employees at least the new minimum wage rate and post a notice in the workplace to inform employees of their right to receive the minimum wage. The Ohio Department of Commerce has released Read more

2019 Florida Minimum Wage Peel 'N Post - Mobile

On January 1, 2019, 20 states, including the state of Florida, are set to increase the minimum wage. Employers are required to pay employees at least the new minimum wage rate and post a notice in the workplace to inform employees of their right to receive the minimum wage. The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity has Read more

2019 Arkansas Minimum Wage Notice Now Available!

On January 1, 2019, 20 states, including the state of Arkansas, are set to increase the minimum wage. Employers are required to pay employees at least the new minimum wage rate and post a notice in the workplace to inform employees of their right to receive the minimum wage. The Arkansas Department of Labor has released Read more

2019 County and City Minimum Wage Updates

On January 1, 2019, the minimum wage will rise in 20 states and on the federal level for employees of federal contractors. While state-level minimum wages remain a popular solution for regional cost-of-living differences, municipal minimum wages are increasingly seen as a remedy for cost-of-living differences between cities and counties within an individual state. 20 Read more

Tipped Wage Workers Fairness

As previously shared in our blog, on June 19, 2018, voters in Washington D.C. approved a ballot initiative that would have raised the minimum wage for tipped employees. Initiative 77 would have gradually increased the minimum wage for tipped workers to $15 per hour by 2020, and further increased it to the same level as Read more