State Labor Law Changes

The Nevada Equal Rights Commission (NERC) issued a revised Discrimination is Illegal labor law poster. The revised labor law poster adds “gender identity or expression” to the list of characteristics protected from discrimination. Three bills signed into law this year add the new protected category in employment (AB 211), businesses offering services to the public Read more

Louisiana has updated its Minor Labor Law state-mandated posting. The notice has been revised to reflect child labor law changes effective August 15, 2011 per H.B. 303. Under the new provisions, the following child labor law changes will be implemented: Hour restrictions for 14 & 15 year olds Under former law: Minors could not work Read more

South Carolina employers are now required to post two updated labor law notices as a result of the recent passage of two amendments of law. The new text provisions are found on the state’s “Labor Law Abstract” and “Safety and Health Protection on the Job” postings. Labor Law Abstract update: E-Verify Procedures Under South Carolina Read more

Three more states, Illinois, Hawaii, and Delaware, have passed new laws that recognize civil unions. These new laws extend all the same legal rights, benefits, protections, and responsibilities of spouses in a marriage to partners of a civil union. Many of those benefits and protections arise under labor and employment laws. Therefore, Illinois, Hawaii, and Delaware Read more

Transgender status has been added to Colorado’s Anti-Discrimination poster as a class against whom discrimination is prohibited. Specifically, following “sexual orientation”, the term “incl. transgender status” has been added under each of the covered topics: Employment, Housing, and Public Accommodation. In addition, the names of the Division of Civil Rights’ Director, Executive Director, and Governor Read more

Maryland’s Unemployment Insurance notice to Employees (DLLR/OUI 328 Employees Rights Under Maryland’s Unemployment Insurance Law) contains important new contact information, as well as other changes. Changes to Maryland Unemployment Insurance The notice now identifies the correct office and street/mailing address for complaints of discrimination in the unemployment insurance process. Persons seeking assistance should address related Read more

 Virginia has made two important, required poster changes to the state’s CLI (Credit for Low income Individuals) notice. Details of the changes and additional important information are below regarding the Credit for Low income Individual eligibility and iFile system. Virginia CLI and iFile Changes The website link for state CLI information has been updated and now Read more

The Louisiana Workforce Commission has updated its list of state-mandated labor law posters with the release of the new 2011 Earned Income Credit (EIC) poster. Some of the important changes to the EIC notice Increase in Income Eligibility Limits Louisiana’s 2011 EIC notice reflects increases in the income levels for EIC eligibility in 2011. The Read more

Governor Paterson Signs Into Law The Wage Theft Prevention Act Governor Paterson signed into law a comprehensive bill, S 8380/A 11726, the Wage Theft Prevention Act. The bill addresses employer failure to pay mandatory minimum wages and overtime due to employees, thereby requiring annual notifications of wages, expanding notifications, strengthening available remedies for wage law Read more

Updated Fact Sheets for Injured Workers Now Available From the California DWC The California Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) has created a series of updated fact sheets for injured workers. The fact sheets are available in “text only” versions on their website. The text only versions make it possible for claim administrators to incorporate updated Read more