Labor Law Updates

Keeping you current on the ever changing labor laws

The laws have been around for years, but the U.S. Department of Labor’s Hour and Wage Division has just started a new initiative aimed at making sure that Southern California’s landscaping workers are treated fairly. Unfortunately, many landscaping companies violate the minimum wage, overtime, and record-keeping portions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).  In Read more

At CPC, our simple goal is to keep your organization in compliance.  In addition to displaying the mandatory posters, many businesses also achieve compliance and reduce the risk of liability by distributing employee handbooks.  That’s why we’re introducing the Handbook Center. When it comes to managing a business, an employee handbook provides an important foundation Read more

California has come up with a plan to make its residents healthier — and it all starts with the Let’s Get Healthy California Task Force.  Each member of the group was recently appointed.  Now, they’ll work with a team of expert advisors to come up with ideas to improve health issues around the Golden State. Read more

At CPC, our simple goal is to keep your organization in compliance.  In addition to displaying the mandatory posters, many businesses also achieve compliance and reduce the risk of liability by distributing employee handbooks.  That’s why we’re introducing the Handbook Center. When it comes to managing a business, an employee handbook provides an important foundation Read more

For the first time in five years, Rhode Island’s minimum wage workers could get a pay raise.  Now that a new bill has been approved by both the State House and Senate, the final decision lies with Governor Lincoln Chafee. If Governor Chafee signs the bill, Rhode Island’s minimum wage rate will go from $7.40 Read more

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has been regulating workplace conditions for decades — complete with random inspections.  But for all of those decades, there has been a debate over how all of these regulations and inspections affect businesses.  Is the cost of compliance too high for some companies to bear? According to Read more

If U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. has his way, America’s minimum wage workers will soon get a raise. The Chicago Democrat has written a bill that would increase the federal minimum wage rate to $10 per hour.  According to Jackson, he will formally introduce the bill on Wednesday. America’s federal minimum wage rate has sat Read more

These days, it seems like just about everyone has a Facebook or Twitter account.  As a result, lots of companies have come up with rules to make sure all of the social media doesn’t get in the way of a job well done. However, the National Relations Board (NLRB) is hard at work keeping track Read more