Labor Law Updates

Keeping you current on the ever changing labor laws

South Carolina employers are now required to post two updated labor law notices as a result of the recent passage of two amendments of law. The new text provisions are found on the state’s “Labor Law Abstract” and “Safety and Health Protection on the Job” postings. Labor Law Abstract update: E-Verify Procedures Under South Carolina Read more

The United States Department of Labor just released a mobile phone application to monitor the heat index.  The app, which is available in English and Spanish, will enable workers and supervisors to monitor the heat index at their work sites and prevent heat-related illnesses.  It is the employer’s duty to provide a safe and healthful Read more

Maryland has updated its “Health Insurance Coverage” posting. The notice has been revised to reflect that an employee and other family members may be eligible under Maryland law to continue coverage under a former employer’s health insurance policy if the employee quits or was terminated from the employment for a reason other than for cause. Read more

Overtime Rules for Out-of-State Residents Working in California California-based employers are frequently confused about the wage and hour laws that apply when it comes to their non-resident employees that work temporarily in California. Whether it concerns skilled employees or agricultural workers, the question of whether California’s overtime law should apply to non-residents for work performed Read more

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration has proposed an update to portions of its Injury and Illness Recording and Reporting regulation; specifically, Appendix A which contains a list of industries that are partially exempt from maintaining records of occupational injuries and illnesses.  The exemptions are applicable to industries with relatively low rates of occupational Read more

Colorado has released a revised “Employment Security Act” Notice. The updated Unemployment Insurance Notice provides the new website address and instructions to file for unemployment insurance benefits online. There are also two new telephone numbers to file for unemployment insurance benefits. According to the Division, this is required update. Formatting changes were also made to Read more

Three more Canadian provinces, Alberta, Nova Scotia and Manitoba, recently announced increases in their minimum wage rates beginning this fall, bringing them in line with a number of other provinces which have announced plans to increase their minimum wage rates this fiscal year or that have already done so. Alberta Alberta’s general minimum wage will Read more

Georgia’s Governor, Nathan Deal has enacted a strict new immigration law the “Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011”.  Georgia has the 6th highest number of illegal residents which places a large strain on the state’s taxpayers. “The use of E-Verify means everyone plays by the same rules and it protects employers by giving Read more