Labor Law Updates

Keeping you current on the ever changing labor laws

Effective January 1, 2011 Montana’s Minimum Wage will increase by 10 cents from $7.25 to $7.35 per hour. In the 2006 General Election, Montana voters enacted Initiative 151, which adjusts the Minimum Wage based on the annual cost-of-living index. The increase in the minimum wage is based upon any increase in the U.S. City Average Read more

AZ Minimum Wage Increasing in 2011The Industrial Commission of Arizona has determined that Arizona’s minimum wage will increase for 2011. On January 1, 2011, the rate per hour will increase by 10 cents to $7.35 per hour. The current minimum wage rate is $7.25 per hour. In 2006, Arizona voters enacted the “Raise the Minimum Read more

San Francisco Minimum Wage Increases January 1, 2011 The San Francisco Minimum wage Ordinance, Chapter 12 R of the San Francisco Administrative Code, stipulates that the City minimum wage rate will adjust based on increases in the regional consumer price index. Effective January 1, 2011 the minimum wage rate for the City will increase 13 Read more

Oregon 2011 Minimum Wage increasing 10-cents in January State Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian has announced that Oregon’s minimum wage will rise to $8.50 per hour on January 1, 2011. The 10-cent increase reflects a 1.15% increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) since August 2009. The CPI, which is published by the United States Bureau Read more

Ohio 2011 Minimum Wage up 10 Cents to $7.40 On September 30, 2010, the Ohio Department of Commerce announced an increase in the state’s minimum wage, effective January 1, 2011. The department also released the state’s updated 2011 Minimum Wage posting. Ohio is one of ten states that annually adjust the minimum wage based on Read more

Cal/OSHA Construction Safety Orders, CCR Title 8, Section 1532.1 requires Lead Warning Notices be posted in each regulated area or work areas where the exposure to lead exceeds the permissible exposure limits (PEL). Employers shall assure that no employee is exposed to lead at concentrations greater than the specified levels. Additionally, prior to the commencement Read more

Washington State Department of Labor & Industries’ (L&I) recently released updates to two of its labor law postings, “Your Rights as a Worker” and “Job Safety & Health”. Important changes reflecting employees’ rights under the state’s Domestic Partnership Law, protections against human trafficking, and a clarification of the rule requiring reporting of work-related hospitalizations are Read more

Compliance Poster Company Announces California Workers’ Compensation Update in time for October 8, 2010 Deadline MONROVIA, Ca – California Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) has amended regulations pursuant to 8 CCR § 9767.3, et seq., to include the Medical Provider Network (MPN) application process, treatment and change of physician within an MPN, the employer notification Read more

Flushing Hospital nurse gets $15 Million award in Sexual Harassment Lawsuit: Author:Nicole Bode Publication: Daily News Staff Writer Date: February 23rd, 2009, 12:18 am A Queens jury awarded a nurse a record $15 million after finding that hospital bosses allowed a doctor with a history of sex harassment to abuse female staffers for eight years. Read more

Il H 4658: Employee Credit Privacy ActThis bill creates the Employee Credit Privacy Act. It prohibits employers, exempting public employers, insurers, financial institutions or debt collectors, from using a person’s credit report or credit history as a basis for employment, discharge, or compensation. Specifically, the bill provides that an employer may not “[f]ail or refuse Read more