Labor Law Updates

Keeping you current on the ever changing labor laws

Covid-19 Unemployment Compensation

Assistance to Separated Workers As we confront the many challenges brought about by the Coronavirus (COVID-19), federal and state lawmakers have been working tirelessly to minimize the financial hardships placed on workers who have lost their jobs as a result of the disease outbreak. Expanding the availability of unemployment compensation (UC) is one way to Read more

New Version of Form I-9 Is Now Required

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has released a new version of Form I-9. Starting this Friday, May 1, 2020, employers must start using Form I-9 Revision 10/21/19. The form is used to verify the identity and employment authorization of individuals (both citizen and noncitizen) hired for employment in the United States. Both Read more

COVID-19 paid leave

In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, a growing number of laws have required employers to temporarily adjust leave policies to better protect the welfare of their employees during this health crisis. One priority has been providing employees with paid time off from work to obtain COVID-19 related health care and recover from the virus, Read more

Puerto Rico Labor Law Poster

Earlier this year, Governor Vazquez signed Law No. 9-2020, also known as the Working Women’s Bill of Rights. Unlike most laws, the Working Women’s Bill of Rights was enacted for informational purposes. The law centralizes a non-exhaustive compilation of rights already recognized in other Puerto Rico labor laws. The law does not create any new Read more

Families First Coronavirus Response Act Poster - Private employer bilingual

Working together to protect employees in light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency, the U.S. Congress and President Donald Trump took swift legislative action this month to enable employees to care for afflicted family members, themselves and their children without fear of losing their jobs or financial stability. On March 18, 2020, the Families Read more

Philadelphia Wage Theft Law Poster

Pittsburgh In 2015, the City of Pittsburgh passed the Paid Sick Days Act requiring employers to provide sick time to employees. However, the authority to pass the ordinance was challenged in court, delaying implementation. It was not until July 2019 that Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld the city’s authority to pass the ordinance. Effective March 15, Read more

Michigan Labor Law Poster

During the 2019 legislative session, Governor Whitmer signed Executive Order 3 to re-organize the state government for a more efficient administration. The Order created the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity, and renamed the Department of Talent and Economic Development to Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity. The Order also abolished the Michigan Talent Investment Read more