Labor Law Updates

Keeping you current on the ever changing labor laws

Indiana Releases Updated IOSHA Workplace Posting

The Indiana Department of Labor has revised the required Indiana Safety and Health Protection on the Job workplace posting. The workplace posting includes a new section, “Proposed Penalties in Conjunction with a Worker Fatality.” The new section reflects changes made by a recent amendment of the Indiana Occupational Safety and Health Act (IOSHA) increasing penalty Read more

Paid Leave

On July 1, 2019, the District of Columbia (DC) started collecting taxes from all private sector employers to fund the Universal Paid Leave Amendment Act of 2016. Every quarter, covered employers must file a wage report and pay 0.62 percent on that quarter’s wages or income. Covered employers include all DC employers subject to DC Read more


Following pressure from business leaders, Governor Baker signed an emergency bill (S 2255) on June 13th to delay the start of employer and employee contributions to the Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) program by three months. The new effective date is October 1, 2019. This delay will allow covered employers more time to Read more

The Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation has released a required update to the Maryland Minimum Wage and Overtime Law Notice following the enactment of legislation (HB 166) in March incrementally raising the state minimum wage rate to $15.00 per hour. To put this law in place, state lawmakers had to override Maryland Governor Larry Read more

Heat Illness Prevention: Don’t Sweat It CPC’s Heat Illness Prevention products make workplace training a breeze! Outdoor Heat Stress Illness Prevention Poster   Supports heat illness training Raises awareness of weather and working conditions Reinforces preventive measures and response procedures   Heat Illness Pamphlets Indoor Heat Stress Illness Prevention Poster What is heat illness? Workers are Read more

Federal Service and Manufacturing Poster English

Executive Order 13496 and U.S. Department of Labor (US DOL) regulations require Federal contractors and subcontractors to post a notice informing their employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). (See 29 CFR Part 471). The NLRA is the primary law governing relations between unions and employers in the private sector.  The Read more

Marijuana Tests

On April 9, 2019, the New York City Council passed a bill (Int. 1445-2019) banning pre-employment marijuana tests. The bill became law on May 10, 2019 when Mayor Bill de Blasio did not sign or veto the bill within 30 days of passage. Starting May 10, 2020, New York City employers will be prohibited from Read more