Kathy White, Esq.

US DOL Plans to Re-open Tip Pools to All Employees

The Tip Credit Tipped employees, like all other employees, must earn at least the required state or federal minimum wage rate. Usually, a portion of an employee’s tips and cash wages together count toward the minimum wage rate. If an employee’s tips combined with the employer’s cash wage do not equal the minimum hourly wage, Read more

OSHA Injury Tracking Requires Electronic Submission

After a bumpy start, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) new electronic injury and illness reporting system is finally ready for business today. Large and high-risk employers can begin using OSHA’s new web portal, called the Injury and Tracking Application (“ITA”), to report information from their 2016 OSHA Form 300A’s beginning August 1, 2017. It Read more

Berkeley Adopts Paid Sick Leave and Workplace Flexibility Laws

The City of Berkeley has two new laws that provide employees with work flexibility and financial stability when they need time away from work for personal wellness and family responsibilities. The first measure goes back to the election in November 2014, when 78% of voters called on the City Council to pass a “right-to-request” flexible Read more

Last year, the City of Los Angeles, California began implementing the city’s Minimum Wage and Paid Sick Time Law which establishes a series of fixed minimum wage rate increases for the next six years. Then, beginning July 1, 2022 the minimum wage rate will be adjusted each year for inflation based on the Consumer Price Read more

2017 Oregon Minimum Wage

Last year, the Oregon Legislature determined there was a need to push the state’s minimum wage rate higher than the minimum wage rate then in effect. The minimum wage rate, which was tied to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), remained unchanged since 2015 because of a flat inflation rate. After studying the regional cost of Read more