Viri Huerta

In an effort to assist in the employment of veterans, the state of Pennsylvania has recently passed a law (H.B. 1600) that encourages employers to adopt a voluntary veteran’s preference employment policy. The policy must be: in writing, made available in any job posting, provided to each applicant at the time of hiring and to Read more

The Compliance Poster Company Family would like to wish you a safe Thanksgiving celebration. Thank you for your continued support and partnership.        

Two years after the passage of paid sick leave in New York City, the Department of Consumer Affairs revises the rules implementing the City’s Earned Sick Time Act. The amendments are to help clarify the Act and add new employer obligations necessary to achieve the Act’s goals. As originally enacted, the paid sick leave law Read more

With an increased number of technological advances in wage payment methods, many employers are now faced with uncertainty about which methods are permitted under wage and hour laws. On November 4, 2016, the state of Pennsylvania passed a law (S.B. 1265) to help address whether employers may issue payroll debit cards as a method of payment. Read more

On October 20, 2016, the Kentucky Supreme Court decided in Kentucky Restaurant Association v. Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government that Louisville-Jefferson County did not have the authority to impose a minimum wage rate that differs from the state’s minimum wage rate. In early 2015, Louisville-Jefferson County passed a minimum wage ordinance establishing a minimum wage of Read more

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry Office of Unemployment Compensation has recently released an updated unemployment compensation posting with new information that can help reduce inaccurate unemployment compensation benefits. Employers may provide employees that become unemployed or hours are reduced due to lack of work a completed Form UC – 1609. The form will Read more

With weeks away from the New Year, states with yearly minimum wage assessments tied to increases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and states with new laws requiring increases in the minimum wage over a span of several years will soon update their minimum wage postings. Over the 12-month period from September 1, 2015 to Read more

New York Time Off to Vote Poster

With Election Day approaching, voters across the nation are preparing to cast their votes. In the state of New York, employers must prepare to comply with New York Election Law §3-110. Employers are required to post a time off to vote notice 10 working days before any election.  The notice must be displayed in a conspicuous Read more

The Delaware Department of Labor has released a revised Employment Discrimination posting. The Employment Discrimination posting generally describes the different classes protected from employment discrimination under the Delaware Code. The revised posting includes a new time limit for filing a discrimination complaint. Employees have 300 days to file a charge of discrimination with the Delaware Read more