California Notice Employees Unemployment, Disability, Paid Family Leave Peel ‘N Post™


California employers subject to payroll taxes must post the updated Notice to Employees Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, Paid Family Leave. Order the Peel ‘N Post to update your English 012024 California All-On-One Poster and get in compliance today!

SKU: 91514

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Who must post the California Notice to Employees Unemployment, Disability, Paid Family Leave Peel ‘N Post?

  • Every California employer is required to post and maintain in places readily accessible to employees the Employment Development Department’s (EDD) Notice to Employees – Unemployment Insurance (UI), Disability Insurance (DI), Paid Family Leave (PFL) if it employs individuals covered for unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and paid family leave benefits. (22 CCR 1089-1)
  • Employers that are required to pay State payroll taxes are covered by the unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and Paid Family Leave program.

What’s new on the Notice to Employees Unemployment, Disability, Paid Family Leave posting?

  • California employers are required to  inform their employees of laws and regulations pertaining to employment, benefits, and working conditions.
  • The updated Notice to Employees – UI, DI, PFL is a new, streamlined version of the EDD’s required posting. The posting highlights the essential benefits of each program and provides web addresses where employees can access additional information about each program and how to apply for benefits.

Do I need to order the Peel ‘N Post to update my California Labor Law Poster?

Because the EDD recently released the updated English Notice to Employees – UI, DI, PFL, the Peel ‘N Post is required for English 012024 California All-On-One™ Posters and Mobile Poster Paks™. (The EDD previously released the updated posting in Spanish and it is already included on Spanish 012024 California All-On-One Posters and Mobile Poster Paks.)

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