California Spanish 2024 Minimum Wage Peel ‘N Post™


California employers who are subject to a Minimum Wage Order must post and maintain a copy in the workplace. Use the Peel ‘N Post to update your Spanish 012024 California poster and ensure your Spanish language workers understand their rights.

SKU: 91516

The law requires additional posters for your industry

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Who must post the California Spanish 2024 Minimum Wage Peel ‘N Post™?

Every California employer that is subject to an amended republished Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Order is required to post a copy of the order and keep it posted in a conspicuous location frequented by employees during the hours of the workday as required by Section 1183. (Lab. Code § 1182.13)

Spanish 2024 Minimum Wage Peel ‘N Post FAQs:

  • Should I update? The official Spanish 2024 Minimum Wage Peel ‘N Post is intended to replace the unofficial translation of the Minimum Wage posting featured on Spanish 012024 California Spanish All-On-One Posters and Mobile Poster Paks (MPP).
  • How do I update? If you purchased a Spanish 012024 California All-On-One Poster or MPP earlier this year, the official translation is finally available. Simply apply the Spanish Minimum Wage Peel ‘N Post sticker over the existing minimum wage posting currently located on your existing Spanish All-On-One Poster or MPP.
  • Why change now? Because the State’s official translations of labor law postings are often substantially delayed, we customarily provide an unofficial translation in advance so that employers can post the information in a timely manner. Once the official posting is released, we offer the official translation in a Peel ‘N Post format so that employers have the opportunity to replace the unofficial posting with the State’s official translation.
  • Is the English 2024 Minimum Wage Posting still current? English All-On-One Posters and Mobile Poster Paks already feature the official English 2024 Minimum Wage posting. There is no need to update.

What’s new?

The California Labor Commissioner’s Office recently released the State’s official 2024 Spanish General Minimum Wage Order (MW-2024). The posting has been extensively revised for language clarity, meaning, and accuracy.


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