Louisiana 2012 Earned Income Credit, Revised Minor Labor Law Posters Required

Click image to go to productCompliance Poster Company’s Louisiana State & Federal All-On-One Labor Law posters feature two new Louisiana state-mandated postings:

2012 Earned Income Credit

The 2012 Earned Income Credit (EIC) posting identifies the new EIC income eligibility increases for 2012. The posting lists the income eligibility levels for employees with no qualifying children, and for employees with one, two, or three or more qualifying children. Income levels have increased since 2011. The posting also notifies employees that the Advance Federal Earned Income Tax Credit (AEITC) has been eliminated. Some information is provided for individuals that received Advance EITC payments in prior years. However, other tax form and reporting information relating to Advance EITC was removed from the posting.

The posting also provides contact information for the IRS including a telephone number and website address for information regarding the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or prior Advanced EITC received.

Minor Labor Law

The revised Minor Labor Law Placard posting clarifies the maximum number of hours youths 14 and 15 years old may work during school and non-school weeks, and the times of day and evening when they may work.

Order your English or Spanish Louisiana State & Federal All-On-One Labor Law Postersonline or call one of our knowledgeable Compliance Advisors to discuss all of your state-mandated notice obligations. We are here to help.