South Carolina New Required Labor Law Poster Released Employers Comply Now

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South Carolina employers are now required to post all of the latest changes to the state’s mandatory labor law postings. The new “Your Rights as a Worker in South Carolina” is one of the most important changes. Employers are being required to post this notice informing workers of their rights and protections under South Carolina’s ‘Right to Work Act of 2012’ signed into law in June.

Proponents of the ‘Right to Work Act of 2012’ say that it strengthens the state’s business environment so more jobs can be created. The law gives South Carolinians the right to work without being required to join a union or pay dues. Equally, the law gives each employee the option to join a union in a unionized working environment. The new law also enhances protection from interference with these rights by substantially increasing fines against violators.

Important updates have also been made to the Labor Law Abstract and the Health & Safety Protection on the Job postings.

Compliance Poster Company’s South Carolina State & Federal All-On-One™ Labor Law Posters are being updated with the new notice along with all other changes made by the state. We all know how important complying with posting requirements can be. Give us a call if you have any questions.