San Francisco Minimum Wage Hike Just Around the Corner

San Francisco will have the highest minimum wage rate in the country come January 1, 2013.

San Francisco passes up Santa Fe, New Mexico on January 1, 2013 with the highest minimum wage rate in the country. The San Francisco minimum wage will increase by a whopping 31 cents bringing the rate to $10.55 per hour.

Increases in the San Francisco minimum wage stem from a city ordinance that ties wage rate adjustments to changes in the Consumer Price Index.  Employers must pay employees no less than the minimum wage for each hour worked within the geographic boundaries of the City.

Under the Minimum Wage Ordinance every employer must post the minimum wage notice in a conspicuous place at any workplace or job site where any employee works.  Did you know…that the ordinance also states that every employer must also provide each employee at the time of hire the employer’s name, address and telephone in writing?

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Compliance Poster Company will be updating the San Francisco Combo poster; Minimum Wage/Paid Sick Leave/Health Care Security Ordinance 6 language poster.

If you don’t already know the Health Care Security portion of the poster will also have mandatory changes effective January 1, 2013. Those changes affect health care expenditure rates for employers. Both the minimum wage rate and Health Care Security expenditure increases will be updated on our product #05040. Again these are mandatory changes so employers will be required to update their posters to the new 2013 version which will be available soon.

You don’t have to calendar this update and worry about it slipping your mind, just give us a call at 1-800-817-7678 and we can pre-order the updated poster for you now. Once it is ready to ship you will be one of the first to receive the NEW poster!