
Compliance Poster Company – California Employer Alert! In only 8 business days new mandatory California employment laws take effect. These new laws alter several mandatory-to-post notices that employers must have displayed on break room walls. The new laws cover expanded: Accommodations employers must make for religious practices, and Protection against discrimination based on an individual’s Read more

Hotel Workers in Long Beach California Get News of Increase in Minimum Wage Minimum wage is a highly debated topic with those that support increases and those that feel it hurts businesses. Despite all the hype, voters in three cities (2 of them in California) gave low-wage workers a raise in the minimum wage. In Read more

A ballot measure to raise the City of San Jose’s minimum wage has been approved by the voters. San Jose, California employers will soon be required to pay employees no less than $10.00 per hour. Posting and Notice: Employer’s must post the Minimum Wage Notice in a conspicuous place at any workplace or job site Read more

Ten states and San Francisco, California have laws that require a mandatory bump in minimum wage rates. These bumps are tied to inflation and change based on increases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). To-date, six states and San Francisco, California have announced their new minimum wage rates which will begin January 1, 2013. Arizona’s Read more

California’s 2012 legislative session has come to an end.  Want to know how passed bills affect you as an employer? Compliance Poster Company’s Legal Research Team has the answers.  All bills are effective January 1, 2013, unless otherwise specified. Religion and Reasonable Accommodation – (CA AB 1964). This landmark bill clarifies and strengthens existing law Read more

San Francisco will have the highest minimum wage rate in the country come January 1, 2013. San Francisco passes up Santa Fe, New Mexico on January 1, 2013 with the highest minimum wage rate in the country. The San Francisco minimum wage will increase by a whopping 31 cents bringing the rate to $10.55 per Read more

This just in from the California State Legislature– California businesses will soon be required to display the NEW Human Trafficking poster. Human trafficking is considered to be one of the fastest growing criminal industries. Governor Brown gets California on board by signing a series of bills cracking down on human trafficking in the state. One Read more

Compliance Poster Company reminds employers that hot summer days are dangerous for workers. According to Cal/OSHA Chief Ellen Widess “heat illness is preventable and should not occur if proper procedures are followed. As high heat develops across the state employers are to take special care so that they can provide the appropriate safeguards for their Read more

Throughout California, smoking inside public places has been illegal since the mid 1990’s.  Now, a San Francisco Supervisor wants to take it one step further — by banning smoking at all outdoor events that are held on city-owned property. If passed, Supervisor Eric Mar’s bill would require organizers of outdoor events held on city-owned property Read more

Recently the “Programs for the Unemployed” pamphlet which informs individuals about the programs offered by the Employment Development Department (EDD) was updated. The pamphlet covers Unemployment Insurance (UI), Disability Insurance (SDI), and Paid Family Leave (PFL). Unemployment Insurance (UI) is an insurance program paid for by the employer. It provides an affected individual with an Read more