Mandatory Notice

Tipped employees largely work in the restaurant, hospitality and service industries and they regularly receive tips in the performance of their jobs. Their employers, however, sometimes find it challenging to ensure they meet minimum wage rate requirements, handle the “tip credit” properly and help tipped workers understand their pay. The federal Fair Labor Standards Act Read more

Missouri’s Department of Labor and Industrial Relations recently announced that the state’s general minimum wage rate will increase to $7.65 per hour, beginning on January 1, 2015. For tipped employees, the minimum wage rate will increase to at least 50 percent of the general minimum wage. Retail and service businesses whose annual gross sales are Read more

Washington DC has passed a new law (DC B 671) that will soon require employers to provide employees with written notice outlining the terms of their employment.  The law also clarifies the administrative procedures for adjudicating wage disputes and enhances remedies, fines and administrative penalties against an employer that fails to pay earned wages. Further, Read more

Beginning January 1, 2015, the minimum wage in the state of New Jersey will increase from $8.25 per hour to $8.38 per hour. The increase comes as a result of last year’s election. New Jersey voters approved the constitutional amendment that raised the minimum wage rate from $7.25 per hour to $8.25 per hour with Read more

The North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Notice to Injured Workers and Employers has been revised and must be posted by all North Carolina employers covered by the Workers’ Compensation Act pursuant to §97-93 of the act. The Notice now requires an employer to complete and post information about its workers’ compensation insurance coverage. An employer must Read more

On November 4, 2014, Massachusetts voters approved paid sick leave law. Massachusetts has now become the third state to adopt a statewide paid sick leave. The law is effective, July 1, 2015 and applies to all private sector employers. The requirements, however, will depend on the company’s size. Employers with 11 or more employees must Read more

Employment Discrimination The Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR) has released new mandatory state and county labor law posting requirements.  The state’s Employment Discrimination is Unlawful posting has been updated to include two new protected categories: “Ancestry” and “Gender Identity.”  Ancestry compliments the category of “National Origin,” and “Gender Identity” was added by Read more

The District of Columbia has updated two mandatory workplace postings: District of Columbia Minimum Wage Poster Accrued Sick and Safe Leave Act District of Columbia Minimum Wage Poster Earlier this year, the District of Columbia’s Minimum Wage Revision Act was amended to provide for increases in the District’s hourly minimum wage rate beginning July 1, Read more